Stunning Jewelry sent by Rocksbox






 Margaret Elizabeth Teardrop Bangle// Perry Street Kara Earrings// Gorjana Alma Necklace//

Happy Monday Everyone! I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend. I spent my Saturday in Memphis. I went shopping and I saw my first ever NBA game, the Memphis Grizzlies vs. Washington Wizards. On Saturday I also received my first Rocksbox set and I am absolutely in LOVE with all the pieces that were selected for me. Thanks for stopping by…


What is Rocksbox?

Rocksbox is a membership-based jewelry styling service. Members pay a flat rate of $19/month to get access to a personalized rotating closet of designer jewelry, sent in sets of three at a time.

How Does It Work?

When you sign up for Rocksbox you will take a style survey (use the code glamrmexoxo for one month free). Afterwards complete your style profile by adding jewelry to your wish list. Your Rocksbox stylist will then use your profile when handpicking the designer jewelry for you.

You can return your pieces anytime, as often as you would like, and they will send you your new set STAT. All you have to do is mail the pieces in the pre-paid envelope. If you love any of the pieces KEEP them and you will be billed the Insider’s Price shown on your packaging list.

Designers They Carry…

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